Ep 100: The Final Episode

Ep 100: The Final Episode


This episode brings mixed feelings as not only is it the 100th episode of the podcast, it is also the last one.

In this episode, I’m excited to share some of the lessons that I’ve learned from having my podcast for nearly 18 months. Hopefully, some of the practices I have put in place will help you in your work too.

Here are the highlights:

• (1:40) Finding my voice and message.
• (6:05) Taking small steps and being persistent.
• (8:30) Be consistent and persistent with people.
• (10:39) Trust your inner voice.
• (14:52) Hopes for the new podcast.


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        Nicola  00:09

        Hello, and welcome to Women at the top of telco and tech. Very excited today well, kind of mixed feelings today. Because today is the 100th episode of the podcast, and it is also going to be the last one. So mixed feelings, certainly, but also excited for the future. So today, I’m just going to be sharing some of the lessons that I’ve learned from having my podcast for nearly 18 months. And just some of the things that have really the lessons that I’ve taken away from it and the things that I’ve learned and how I’ve grown and developed as a result of having the podcast. So welcome to today’s show. If you’re a new listener, don’t worry, we are behind the scenes starting to put together a brand new podcast that we launching in June in July, which I’m really excited about. And there’s a link, if you’re a new listener as well, there’s a link to join the waitlist to be the first to get information about the podcast and be just a bit of a support crew when we launch. And if you’re someone who’s listened for a long time, while just to say thank you so much. It’s been really brilliant. And I’ve loved having you here. And hopefully you’ve taken away some lessons and some prompts or thinking for myself or some of my amazing guests. But today, I’m just going to share just really set up for the next podcast and just to share some of the lessons from this podcast. So first of all, I just wanted to share kind of how I’m feeling. So I came into the office today knew that I needed to recall this, I think a little bit I’ve been procrastinating and putting it off. Because it feels like the end of something, it feels like saying goodbye to something that I’ve loved and letting go of something that’s been a real point of consistency as I as I’ve reset my business and I just made my coaching business into what it is now. And it’s been something that I I wanted because I wanted to have a voice and I wanted to share my thoughts and my feelings on subjects that for women in the in the corporate world who are those unicorns, women who are truly pushing those boundaries, who are the chip changemakers, who are the trailblazers, the women who are changing the world. And I felt, I just got to the point where I got a little bit disconnected with that, that message. And I needed to go through a process of just finding my voice and my message getting so the podcast was going to change name again, but actually seemed to make sense to actually create a brand new podcast and and start over. But you’re welcome to come on that journey with me, of course. And I look forward to seeing you in the next podcast and you joining me when we start the new one. But yeah, mixture of feelings of I’m really, really proud of 100 episodes, I’m really, really proud that we were in the top 10 Business podcasts, we were between at one point we were between we were next to Simon Sinek which is never a bad thing. A big fan girl Simon definitely. And on launch, we had people sharing we had people sending it to colleagues is also become part of my find your fire programme, just referring people into relevant episodes. And for clients as well. It’s just always been a point where I can refer them to because the subjects and the challenges and women that I work with are consistent. There are some definite themes even though their story in their journeys around. There’s some definite themes. So it’s been a real for me, it’s been a way of just having having my voice out there in the world. And I write my own content as well. But podcast, I could just write a few notes and then just show up and speak from the heart. And one of my values is courage. Occur means heart. So courage just means speaking from the heart. So I feel like I’ve done that on this podcast, but I feel like I’m gonna step into doing that even more on the new one, which will launch in June or July. So real mixed feelings definitely that sense of pride. I’ve committed to something had an idea committed to something even on the days I’ll be honest, I didn’t really want to record episodes even on day my podcast episode nudging me for getting episodes done. Just that consistency, which I’m really really proud of. And also, I think really, really proud of well as for reaching out to people that I admire people that are making waves and change the world men and women and environment podcast as a guest and having those fangirl moments of like, oh my gosh, I can’t actually be real here and I’m speaking to you and making brand new connections all over the world. We have some really really incredible people that are just have that real focus on caring for and having that connection with the employees around them and really making more of it. cultures that are more inclusive, that are safe and fair for all. So there’s that real parity of opportunity, and being able to connect with those people. So some of my lessons from the podcast, the first one is just consistency brings results. So just being consistent, which for me meant days where I would just record four or five episodes at once, and then just hand it over to my podcast editor. So the consistency just bring the results of we’ve had pretty much I think it’s nearly just over 10,000 downloads, we’ve been listened to over 30 countries around the world. And just, again, that commitment to something to become a real expert to become someone who really shows up for their audience. And like I said, as my business changed, and my message evolved, just having that point of consistency, I think was really important for me. And like I said, being able to share podcast episodes with my, with my, with my clients, with my audience with people that I’m speaking to become part of my programme, it’s just been absolutely something I’m really, really proud of. The second lesson was really around taking small steps. So some days, struggled to feel just inspired straw to feel a passion. So I would just go off and do some research. And that would kind of get me going into that framework. I’m just really like that passion. So the small steps, you know, if I didn’t want to call a batch load of podcasts, just to record one just to record an introduction, just to create an idea to make a plan for the next episode. So just knowing and again, for clients that I work with tend to be all or nothing. There’s very senior women. So actually underestimate the value of small steps, small steps bring momentum, that bring real real change over time. Number three is just my third lesson is round, just asking. So like I said, I had a bit of a hit list when I started the podcast and women that I wanted to speak to, and women that I knew would be difficult to get ahold of. And we didn’t get all of those on. But we’ve had some really incredible guests that have, we’ve taken months to actually get a date in the diary between our two diaries. And also women who are just, you know, they are the change makers, and they are the trailblazers, and just asking them for their opinion, asking them for a subject that they’re passionate about asking them for, just to be really, really open and honest. And just to relax, and just No, it’s just a conversation between us and just to share what they want to share. And also, I’ve asked some very, very senior women in the UK. So for example, Amanda Blanc, who’s the CEO of Aviva. So I asked her to be on the podcast, and it was a no, but it was a it was a very, very encouraging No. So I will be back and asking her again at some point in the future. Certainly. And that leads on to lesson number four, which is be persistent. So some people, we had diary clashes we had some people really wanted on a podcast on maternity leave, or an extended leave and some other people just in the in the throes of delivering huge projects, I’ve had to be really persistent to get those people a date in the diary. So even if we’re booking months and months in advance, the next lesson was making it easy for myself. So when I have my very first podcast, when I had my gym business, I did it all myself. So not only would I plan the episode, record the episode, I would then upload everything, I would then do the promotion, the marketing round, I did everything. So I haven’t done this this time. And I invested in a podcast editor. And they’ve been absolutely brilliant. And just really nudged me to be consistent and to be persistent, with people wanting to ask, but also to be there to bounce ideas off. And just to push me with the subjects I’m talking about, encouraged me to be brave and bold. And it’s just brilliant. Knowing I record the episodes, I put it into a folder, and then everything else happens for me. So I’ve just I’ve made it as easy as possible. And then my next lesson is really, number six is around batching. So, and it’s not so much around batching. But it’s just around creating big chunks of time where you just have freedom just to think just to do research just to make a plan. That kind of strategic happiness. And thinking doesn’t happen between meetings. It doesn’t happen in half an hour that you have to grab some lunch, go to the bathroom, checking on your team in between meetings. So it’s not really so much about batching this letter, it’s more about knowing that the, again women that I work with, just to have those big chunks of time to really, really think to create a strategy to plan to do some research is really, really important. And knowing it’s okay to bookmark that in your diary and give yourself that time because that is where your brainwaves are different. So it’s not just the brainwaves are kind of taking over and being really, really busy brainwaves are long and looping. So that’s when you have the the ability to have that big idea. So just to remind you that that having those quality bits of time where you can think and feel you’re not just meeting intermeeting, you’re not just answering coke phone, you’re not just being reactive being there for your boss, you’re actually creating time for you. So that’s number six. Number seven was around, just really having brave and bold subjects. So trying to just push myself in terms of what I was talking about, I wasn’t always comfortable talking about certain things, I wasn’t always comfortable with just sharing the experience of women in the corporate world still on how there’s still inherent sexism, and still with misogyny at times. And it’s still unconscious bias. So just being brave and bold and pushing myself on the subject of number seven, number eight was around just planning. So taking some time to plan so before stepping into the work, and just getting on with the work because it can be very easy to just step into doing. But instead take some time to plan. So when I had the days where I back to podcasts, I would have taken some time in that week or the week before to plan the episodes out. And the plan was, I’d have a title for the episode, I’d have three or four things I would talk about, I might have a quote, for example, I might have a worksheet to refer people to and I just plan it out in my mind a little bit, and just look for some inspiration. So just look for any LinkedIn articles, anything online, that is just going to help me and just prompt my thinking. So just that planning ahead. And again, the women I work with, it’s really difficult to find the time to plan ahead. So just honouring that time, but knowing that your time doing is going to be much more effective and impactful when you spent that time planning. So number one, number eight, just really around trusting your intuition. So knowing it’s okay to listen to that inner voice, knowing it’s okay to listen to your voice versus other people’s knowing that you don’t need to be just like everyone else and follow the crowd, but you can listen to your inner intuition. And you can nurture that voice by listening to it, by responding to it and taking action on it. And just also by creating some time, that planning time that I just talked about, and creating moments of stillness to listen in and really hear that voice rather than all the distractions that we have all of the different responsibilities that we have, what is going on for me, what is my voice saying? Where is it leading me to? Where is it guiding me to? Number nine is around having your own voice. So you do have a voice, you do have something to say, even if you feel that you’re not listened to. Even if you feel that you’re interrupted and you’re spoken over, don’t let that lose your voice. Don’t let that mean that you lose your voice, you have something to say you have a valid perspective, you have a wealth of experience, you have understanding and knowledge. And don’t lose your voice and lose your hope and losing your voice. Because others might speak over you or others might interrupt you. I know that happened for me a lot in the corporate world. It’s something that my clients still struggle with sometimes almost like what’s the point when I’m going to be interrupted, but don’t lose your voice because of others around you. And I think this podcast gave me a platform to share my voice. It gave me a platform to speak about what was important to me and share subjects that I was really passionate about. So again, encourage you just to have your own voice. And just really, just to tune into that. And then my final one, my final lesson number 10 is about being a contributor. So again, the women that I work with those most senior women, the women who are unicorns, they feel that they need to have all the answers sometimes. And I know that I feel that pressure to almost that sense of perfectionism, that sense of, I can’t be reproached. I can’t have any, I can’t not know the answers, I have to be perfect. I have to know everything. And you’re a human being, you’re not going to know everything. I don’t know everything. And we put pressure on ourselves that we need to be the absolute guru that we can contribute unless we have all of those answers, and we know everything. They were absolutely perfect. And that is not true. Because I really want you to think differently today and invite you to think yourself not as a guru not needed to be perfect. But as a contributor, you are someone who can contribute to the conversation. You’re someone who has a valid perspective. You’re someone who has a wealth of experience and knowledge to bring into that conversation. And you do have a point of view that is important. And it also might be that you’re speaking for people that don’t have a voice you might be speaking for people in your team that aren’t in that particular meeting. It might be that you’re speaking up for an introvert that goes out of the meeting has a brilliant idea the day after but isn’t loud in that particular meeting, you’re speaking up for them from a crisp perspective just to highlight how brilliant they are. So know that you are a contributor. You don’t need to be perfect. You don’t need to have every single answer. It doesn’t need to be that you have to be have to have the absolute 10,000 hours of experience and knowledge to be able to contribute to the conversation. So those are my lessons from the podcast. And yeah, I’m actually feeling quite emotional, which I didn’t expect to and what My hopes for the new podcasts and I’m not gonna share the name quite yet. If you want more information do join the waitlist, all the details are in the show notes. And we’ll be letting you know as and when my hopes for the new podcast is to reach more, more people who are really driving change in the corporate world. For more people who are those changemakers, those trailblazers, they are changing the world and know that they even if they feel that they’re alone, even if they feel that they’re the only voice speaking for, not just themselves, but for the they are the voice of change and the voice of people that are in minorities in their organisation, or they are the voice of those that don’t have a voice, you are not alone, I want you to feel that you’re part of the community, I want to feel that you have somewhere that you can come to and listen to relevant subjects that are going to help you to keep driving change, keep your resilience to keep your energy and have a stronger voice as a result. And I’m going to commit to having a stronger voice myself, and really just stepping into talking about even braver and bolder subjects. And the more important, even more important things and the things that aren’t discussed, and the things that are stopping change happening that is needed to make those more inclusive cultures. So if I’m committed to having that stronger voice, I’d love you to be come and be part of that conversation with me. And I also hope that this is another top 10 podcasts and that we reach the same levels of downloads or even higher, we reach our 10,000 within the first year. I hope that we reach more countries and we break that 30 Country record that I have. And I also hope that we’re going to create more materials around the podcast to have more conversations. And we’re going to create a community the ideas are still shaping for me at the moment, but create a community around the podcast as well, that you can become involved in and we can actually get into virtual rooms and start start speaking about these subjects. So that’s everything really, like I said, I don’t want to give them away the name quite yet and have not fully 100% decided so keep an eye on LinkedIn because I might be sharing votes, asking for votes and preferences on there. But if for any subject, if you are a person and a woman who’s leading change in the corporate world, if you’re a unicorn, you look around and you’re one of the few women in the room if not the only woman and you’re the voice not just for yourself, but for others. Do drop me an email or a message with subjects you would like covered, I’d love to know what you think. And I would really invite you to join me on the next journey. So come on, pop your name into the waitlist for the next podcast. And if you need any help with anything at the moment for yourself, if you’re facing a bit of a crossroads in your career, or if you’re an organisation wanted help supporting women in your organisation or driving to create a more inclusive culture, do drop me a message all my contact details are in the show notes. But for now, it’s goodbye. And thank you again to all of my amazing guests. Thank you again to all of my amazing listeners. And I will speak to you on my next podcast. Thank you so much bye is Nick here, I just want to take a moment just to say thank you for listening. When I’m sat recording podcasts in the deepest depths of Cornwall, it’s incredible to think it is reaching women across the world in 30 different countries and we have 1000s of downloads a month. So thank you so much for being part of that and be part of the audience means well to me. But I do want to grow this audience, I would love you to help me reach more women like you so that we can really drive positive change in the corporate world. So you can do that one of three ways. First of all, you can subscribe to the podcast so you never miss an episode. It’s always a new episodes always delivered straight to your inbox. You can review the podcast and leave us a rating. And the more ratings we have, we also got the podcast charts. And finally you can just share a favourite podcast with a peer with a colleague or on your social media. So I would love for you to do that. Thank you for all your help. I can’t wait for what’s next

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